Friday, May 23, 2008

Kindergarten Day!

My "big" girl thoroughly enjoyed an afternoon of kindergarten today. Her middle sister cried most of the way home because she wanted to go too. And her Mommy wanted so badly to turn around and sit in the classroom so she could see her interact with the other kids and make sure she was included and having a good time.

But she was all smiles when she was done and even remembered names of girls she had just met. She told me all about getting pushed on a swing by a grade one girl and going "SO HIGH", sharing her snack with her cousin, hearing a Bible story, learning a new song, and playing with all the girls in the class. When we came home she wanted to get right to work on her "homework" - a little workbook about the letter "L". So I guess she's ready and hopefully by September her sister and I will be too.


Yvonne said...

Kindergarten day is so special for them and the beginning a new phase!!Once Elayna goes to school in September you'll have special time for Chantel! THINK POSITIVE!!

Sue said...

She looks so big! It's been a while since I have seen her...and her hair is so long! Wow! Kindergarten already! Sure sounds like she is ready. I'm sure you and Chantel will be too. Take care.